Israel will partially reopen Gaza's only commercial crossing – Israel News


Israel will partially reopen the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza, the only crossing of the Strip, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a statement on Tuesday.

A statement from the Defense Ministry said the move will only be partially opened because Hamas "has not completely stopped terrorism, but is trying to maintain a low level of incendiary balloon launches and friction on the border fence ".

The return of Kerem Shalom to full activity, the statement said, is conditioned by a complete cessation of airborne incendiary bombs and provocations at the border.

Lieberman's announcement to allow increased flow of goods from Israel across the Kerem Shalom border from Israel to the Gaza Strip has surprised Israeli defense officials . They had expected that, after two days of calm at the border, it was already appropriate to immediately increase the monitoring of goods at the border, beyond the current humanitarian supplies.

On Monday, 118 trucks entered Gaza at Kerem Shalom, the lowest figure since the year 2014 between Israel and Hamas and its allies in Gaza. Israel closed last week the pbadage of goods, allowing only humanitarian supplies to Gaza.

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ealier defense officials said that they expected Lieberman to order a loosening of the movement of goods at the border post, and that a substantial increase in truck traffic in the United States. Coastal enclave should be seen in two days – Thursday – in light of the fact that the approval of the shipment of goods in the band is a two-day process.
On Sunday, Lieberman said the crossing would be open on Tuesday if calm was maintained along the border, after months of mbad protests by Gazans along the Israeli border, followed more recently by the launching of Gaza's incendiary kites. to Gaza. Israel. During a visit last Sunday from Kerem Shalom, the defense minister noted that the previous day was perhaps the quietest since March 30, when mbad demonstrations at the border began.

"My message to the people of Gaza is therefore the responsibility, and the key in part is the pressure you, the people of Gaza, apply on Hamas leadership," said Lieberman. If calm is maintained, "we will restore life to normal," he said, and Israel will also restore the fishing area available to Gaza fishermen, which Israel has further restricted recently.

"The key is calm – calm, no incendiary balloons, no friction along the border, no rockets, or good heavens, [weapons] fire, hope we will have two days of calm in front of us". . Asked that Israel would agree to allow Gaza workers to come to work in Israel, Lieberman said "we are far from that".

With regard to the measures Israel is taking to help the people of Gaza, he said: "Despite the fires and fires, we continue to ship food and medicines [into Gaza] We can not not go further and as I said [shipment of] goods, goods, agricultural products, textiles, all these things [will be allowed in] only if total calm is maintained on our side, without balloons, kites or provocations . "

On Monday, the Gaza electricity company announced that Gaza's population would be without electricity 18 hours a day instead of 16 hours. The electricity supply in Gaza now depends on six Israeli power lines, one of which has been out of order for a week, as well as electricity supplied by Egypt. "We are trying to provide a minimum of four hours of electricity a day to the people of Gaza," said Mohammed Tabet, spokesman for the Gaza electricity company, "but that too is doubtful, so the duration of the break will extend beyond 16 hours a day. "

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