Israel will stop importing livestock for slaughter – Xinhua


JERUSALEM, July 9 (Xinhua) – In about three years, Israel will ban all livestock imports for slaughter, according to a new bill approved by the Israeli Ministerial Committee on Legislation on Sunday [19659002]. years, the export will reduce until it stops completely. The bill is fully supported by members of the Knesset (Parliament). Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also lent his support.

"We have approved a bill to stop the delivery of livestock to Israel, it is necessary to bring a real change to this great suffering of animals."

His wife Sara Netanyahu also welcomed the proposal for new bill, saying, "I welcome the approval of the moral law proposal to stop shipments of animals to Israel. No one deserves to suffer such terrible suffering, and we must not accept. About 86 percent of Israelis support this new bill based on the results of a survey.

In recent years, Animal rights organizations have denounced suffering under cover of calves and lambs during the weeks of expedition to the Middle East.

It is estimated that about 15% of the population of Israel is vegan or vegetarian, who chooses not to eat animal products and moral reasons.

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