Israeli army charges soldier with beating blindfolded, handcuffed Palestinian – Israel News


Military prosecutors on Monday charged a soldier from the Home Front Command’s rescue unit with badaulting a blindfolded, handcuffed Palestinian detainee.

The indictment says the soldier struck the detainee at the Shaked outpost in the northern West Bank.

The detainee, Anais Faysal Mustafa Hasib, was held in May with two other Palestinian men. Hasib was taken into a holding cell, handcuffed and blindfolded, then beaten.

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Prosecutors said the soldier had asked the detainees: “When did you last shower?” as a way of mocking them. After Hasib told the soldier he didn’t understand the question, the soldier replied, “When did you last wash yourself?” At that point a female soldier who was present was asked to leave the room.

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Hasib then cursed at the soldier in Arabic. The soldier grabbed his shirt and warned him not to curse again, but Hasib continued to do so. In response the soldier pushed the Hasib up against the wall and beat him in the head and arm. Hasib bled from his nose and another soldier pulled the badailing soldier out of the room.

The IDF spokesperson said in response: “The IDF takes the issue of badaulting prisoners serious and is working to enforce the rules on this matter.”

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