Israeli army confiscates Palestinian land in occupied Hebron


  Israeli forces confiscated 10 dunums of Palestinian land. (AFP / File Photo)

Israeli forces confiscated 10 dunums of Palestinian land. (AFP / File Photo)

Israeli forces confiscated 10 dunums (2.4 acres) of Palestinian land in the Wad al-Hussain region near the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron city, south of country.

Activist, Jamal Siefan, a resident of the region, said Israeli forces confiscated the 10-dunum land in order to build a military camp.

The land belongs to the Palestinian Mahmoud al-Bouti.

Israeli forces established a camp ] On the opposite of the confiscated land, about a month ago, which is located next to the illegal Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba, where they placed concrete cubes and mobile homes in the area

. by trying to close the entire area and turn it into a military zone, preventing Palestinians from reaching their homes and moving freely across their lands.

[19659005] This article has been adapted from its original source.

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