Israeli cartoonist fired on the cartoon of Netanyahu's "Animal Farm & # 39; | News from the world


An Israeli magazine dismissed its long-time cartoonist after portraying Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies as pigs at George Orwell's animal farm.

The illustration referred to the Israeli Prime Minister and members of his party. a controversial law in parliament that has been decried as giving the Jewish people more rights than the country's minorities.

Avi Katz parodied the photo with a depiction of politicians as characters from the 1945 news in a drawing for the Jerusalem Report, an Israeli English-language magazine belonging to the Jerusalem Post newspaper.

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others," quotes the cartoon cited in the book, which tells the story of farm animals revolted against their owners but quickly falling into authoritarianism

In Orwell's work, inspired by the totalitarian Sovietism of the early twentieth century Union under Joseph Stalin, the leaders of pigs promise equality to all later declare themselves the preferred species.

The publication of the comic strip in the fortnightly magazine encountered online support but also the anger of many on social media, some of which suggested the representation of Israeli politicians as Pigs was anti-Semitic.After the debate, the Jerusalem Post declared that it would no longer work with Katz, who contributed to the company for three decades in the Jerusalem Post and in accordance with editorial considerations, it was decided not to pursue the relationship with him, "according to the Times of Israel. retraces "this unacceptable step" and a Katz colleague resigned in protest.

Haim Watzman, a short fiction writer from Jerusalem, published his resignation letter on Facebook, saying that he could not be badociated with a publication simply because his work bothered some readers.

"Journalism, when done well, always arouses the anger of some readers, and it is the duty of editors and directors of the newspaper or magazine to defend writers and others. readers complain about the badysis and opinions expressed by his staff, he writes:

A crowdfunding page launched in support of Katz has collected more than 60,000 shekels, or about £ 12,500 [19659002] Katz did not respond to a request for comment but shared two local reports of his firing on Facebook.Despite his departure, the cartoon remained on the Jerusalem Report's website Thursday afternoon. [19659011] [ad_2]
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