Israeli clearance solution co PlainID raises $ 11 million


PlainID, developer of licensing platforms in Israel, announced today that it has raised $ 11 million as part of a series A roundtable led by Viola Ventures, with the participation of Capri Ventures, Springtide Ventures and iAngels. PlainID will support this financing transaction to expand its sales and marketing activities in the United States, its customer service and research and development team

. ] PlainID was founded in 2015 by CEO Oren Ohayon Harel and OPIC Gal Helemski. The company has 25 employees, 20 of whom are based in PlainID's Tel Aviv offices.

The company's platform provides a clear understanding of each level of authorization, in cloud, mobile and on-premise applications. authorization process of any organization. This gives business leaders, data governance professionals, and organization security teams an outsourced solution where they can easily visualize and implement organizational policies across multiple protocols

. Simplified licensing platform meets the complex requirements of a growing business by maximizing security and minimizing anxiety. "

Omry Ben David, a partner of Viola Ventures, said:" Permission to run becomes more The current solutions no longer meet the changing requirements of hybrid computing environments, API collaboration and the Introduction of more robotic process automation solutions We believe that the outsourced fine authorization will become the next big category in IAM, in a similar way to the way that Okta builds the category of ### ######################################################################### Authentication by exte "PlainID provides a next-generation tool for managers to control and manage permissions in their organizations while minimizing their dependency on IT professionals," said Marek Jablonsky, Executive Director. at Springtide Ventures. "It is important to note that the solution also meets the regulatory requirements and provides the" peace of mind "needed by executives when it comes to a sound and auditable IAM process, including: Based on their practical experience of their previous roles as IT Security Officers with large companies. the founders have managed to develop a far superior solution with potential to disrupt and redefine the category. "

Posted by Globes [online] Israel Economic News – – on July 2, 2018

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