»Israeli deputies perform provocative tour of al-Aqsa neighborhoods – IMEMC News


Three extremist Israeli lawmakers entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Monday, provoking Muslim devotees, Palestinian media reported.

According to Al Ray, the provocative tour came a week after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave permission to his lawmakers to enter the compound.

Amir Ohana and Ehud Glick, of the ruling Likud right-wing party, and Shiri Muallem, of the far-right Jewish Interior Party, known for his strong anti-Arab racist views and anti-Palestinian women, visited the Muslim camp under heavy police surveillance.

The three, who support the idea of ​​building the Jewish temple on the ruins of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which they advocate destruction, were accompanied in their provocative tour by extremist Jewish extremists sharing similar thoughts.

who entered the compound were Amir Ohana (Likud), Yehuda Glick (Likud) and Cheri Maalam (Jewish House), according to the PNN. The three are known for their anti-Arab positions, and are supporters of setting up the so-called Temple Mount in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Lawmakers and their entourage left the compound after completing their tour and taking video shots, talking about turning the Muslim holy place into a Jewish temple.

Another Israeli Likud member and the Israeli Minister of Agriculture entered the compound on Sunday, making a similar visit to his yards and his place.

The Muslim Awqaf (staffing), head of Muslim holy places in Jerusalem, condemned Netanyahu's decision to allow lawmakers and officials to enter the area of ​​the mosque, warning that such movements could provoke religious conflicts. 19659002] Additional photographs courtesy of PNN:

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