Israeli forces arrest two Palestinians and six foreign militants near Hebron


HEBRON (Ma & # 39; an) – Israeli forces arrested two Palestinians and six foreign solidarity activists, during a protest against the seizure of land in the neighborhood of al-Hamra, Saturday, east of occupied West Bank Hebron

According to local sources, Israeli forces arrested two Palestinians and identified them as Palestinian journalist and cameraman Eyad Abed al-Hafith al-Hashlamon. and the Deputy Coordinator of Human Rights Defenders, Badi al-Dweik
. Foreign solidarity activists protested alongside Palestinians.
Sources said that after the arrests, Israeli forces attacked Palestinians and several foreign activists and forced them to leave the region.
The 20 dunams the family of Adeis, was threatened with seizure for the expansion of the illegal Israeli settlement of Bani Hefer.
The peaceful protest organized by the Palestinian Arab Resistance Movement, had several landowners, farmers and foreign activists who participated in solidarity with Palestine and against the illegal confiscation of Palestinian land.
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