Israeli invention turns parking, traffic problems with a foldable car


If you live in an overcrowded city, it is always difficult to find a parking spot near your destination. City Transformer (CT), a small high-tech company located in central Israel, is dedicated to solving the problem.

She invented a foldable chbadis that integrates all the components of a car. Four of their vehicles fit into a traditional sized parking space. The folding mechanism has obtained a patent.

At the company's office in Netanya, in central Israel, the people of CT are changing the design of what they believe to be the transport of the future.

The car was a symbol of freedom, today, people living in the city see it as a burden, "said Dr. Asaf Formoza, CEO of City Transformer.

The car will soon be available for pre-order and the company has the ambitious goal of seeing 1 million models in the streets by 2025. Now, at the stage of prototype, Formoza said the car had to be electric and fully autonomous.

Israel, considered a world leader in innovation, is probably the right place for him and his partners to stay.

Formoza said that the Tel Aviv municipality has agreed to take part in a pilot in the coming year that will see up to 50 CT vehicles circulating in the streets of the top of Israel. technology center

At the touch of a button, the car shrinks by 50 centimeters, making it compact and perfect for parking in small crowded areas, according to CT.

The car platform is flexible and can be used for many purposes, from taking pbadengers to delivering goods. The final model should have a joystick rather than a steering wheel

"All that makes the car is a car is down in the lower part, including the suspension, all the engines and all the rest. electronics, "said Eyal Cremer, director of design at CT. "This means that we are completely flexible in what we put in place: we can put a crate for freight, put something special for mail delivery or a sports car."

CT plans to sell cars to the first leasing companies. Once the cars are available to end users, they will be sold for an estimated $ 10,000 – without the batteries that will be rented.

Thanks to its battery, the vehicle will be able to roll nearly 200 kilometers at a time.

Formoza stated that the car is safe, although crash tests have not been carried out. The car will be equipped with air bags and seat belts.

The potential is not only to free up parking spaces, but also to reduce traffic, Formoza said. Driving less quickly in search of parking slows traffic in many cities.

Israel is not a world leader in the auto industry, but it is the scene of some major innovations in the area of ​​autonomous vehicles.

"Our goal is to make something usable, a utility, but that does not look like a utility," he told Xinhua. "We work very hard to make it cool, it's not a car, it's more a product for life."

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