Israeli kidnapped and detained in the West Bank released after 4 days – Israel News


The young Israeli Karim Jamhour, 7, who was kidnapped Tuesday in front of his home in Kalansua city in central Israel and taken to the West Bank, was released on Friday.

Four suspects were arrested on Thursday night: a resident of Ramla and three residents of Lod, aged 41, 27 and 26 years.

A video of the kidnapping was broadcast Wednesday, showing the boy being dragged forcefully into a white vehicle where at least two men were sitting.

>> Crime rages in Israeli Arab communities, but police can not afford to change things

Abduction of an Israeli boy of seven years Haaretz

Jamhour's father, Jabar, told investigators that the kidnappers had contacted him and asked him to pay four million shekels ($ 1.9 million). boy back. According to the boy's father, he refused the request of the kidnappers. He said that they then lowered the amount to one million shekels, and that he refused to pay once again.

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A relative of the family told Haaretz that Jabar Jamhour was an entrepreneur and that he was not known to be in conflict with people.

"People are constantly talking about violence in Arab society and lack of security, but for the kidnapping to be something that no one would have imagined," said the uncle of Jamhour, Samir Hadija, in Haaretz.

About 50 people demonstrated outside the Taibeh Police Station on Wednesday to protest the kidnapping. The event was organized by the Kalansua youth movement, Al Hirak Ashbabi.

Diya Taiya, one of the leaders of the protest, told Haaretz that the police had entered Kalansua with great force two days ago to demolish "but when a boy is kidnapped at noon in front of his home "It's just another event." If this boy had been taken to one of the neighboring towns, all the state would be up, but because he was here, he is considered another criminal case, "he said.

MK Ayman Odeh, Chief of the Common List, visited the Jamhour family on Wednesday. "Criminal organizations make the life of the Arab inhabitants a misery and we want to eject them from our environment and remove illegal weapons," he said.

"We demand the security of the Arab population, there is only one police force in Israel, and it can not continue to treat Arab communities as a backyard," he said. he said.

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