Israeli Lawmakers Ban Reduced Prison Terms for Terror Convicts


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Israel’s ministerial committee for legislation has backed a bill that bans reducing jail terms of convicts in cases related to national security, a spokesman for the party that proposed it told Sputnik.

Right-Wing Israel Our Home party of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman put forth the bill after several inmates serving time for terror crimes were released on parole. Michael Feigin, the party‘s spokesman, said to Sputnik that releasing such prisoners for “good behavior” posed a threat to national security and could lead to new offenses.

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He cited the defense minister who condemned the practice of slashing prison sentences by a third, arguing this decision should not be left to the parole commission.

According to the Times of Israel newspaper, there were at least 4700 security prisoners in Israeli jails, with most of them being Palestinian men from the West Bank and Gaza area, convicted of participating in terror attacks.

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