Israeli officials confirm the release of Ahed Tamimi Sunday (VIDEOS)


Italian street artist Jorit Agoch paints a giant mural of Ahed Tamimi, a 17-year-old Palestinian jailed. (Photo: via Twitter)

Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, detained in an Israeli jail for hitting a fully armed Israeli soldier in the occupied city of Nabi Saleh in the West Bank, will be released Sunday, a spokesman for Israel Prisons Service told the Times of Israel Wednesday a day after his father Bbadem Tamimi made the same claim to reporters.

After his release Sunday, Tamimi should hold a press conference in his hometown: // [19659004] – (@ haaretzcom) July 27, 2018

The official said Ahed will be released with his mother Nariman at the Jabara checkpoint near the Palestinian town of Tulkarem. The Israel Times claimed that the two men planned to hold a press conference at the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar, which should be demolished by Israeli forces.

Meanwhile, Bbadem Tamimi told the Turkish state Anadolu Agency on Tuesday that Ahed was due to be released on August 19, but he expects that it will be released early .

Basem #Tamimi : Ahed can be released Sunday via @PalestineChron

– Palestine Chronicle ( @PalestineChron) July 27, 2018

"The Israeli authorities usually do not inform the detainee or his family of the date of his release, but I think that she will get a decision" to reduce her detention by 21 days, he explained.

Confirming the news The family of Ahed and the Palestinian militants were preparing for his release with events and murals on the Israeli separation wall.

A giant mural of Ahed Tamimi was painted on the separation wall in the West Bank before his scheduled release. Ahed remains a symbol of resistance to the illegal Israeli occupation ✊??? #FreeAhed

– CODEPINK (@codepink) July 25, 2018 [19659005] Bbadem told Reuters on Thursday:

"Our house and our hearts are open to meeting with it, we hope we will meet soon."

He added: "

" Ahed will complete his sentence next Sunday, we will wait for him at the Jabarah checkpoint, then we will go to the press conference, and then we will visit the tomb of Ybader. Arafat and the Martyrs' Sanctuary in Nabi Saleh, after which we will return home to meet the people who wish it. "

Israel continues to abuse the Tamimi family, looting Nabi Saleh in the nights and arresting them young people from the village. Mbad, who has just been released, now looks at her abducted teenage son.

– YouthAgainstSettlmnt (@YASHebron) 11 January 2018

Palestinian activist Ahmed Odeh also celebrated the early release of Ahed and said surprised by international solidarity with the Palestinian teenager. Odeh told Reuters on Thursday:

"We are surprised by these free people from around the world to paint the picture of the icon of the Palestinian people and the icon of the national resistance on this wall. from apartheid.They draw a mural for Ahed Tamimi to tell the world and the occupation that we are partners in this affair and that the Palestinian national resistance is the only way to deal with it. arrogant occupation. "

Bbadem Tamimi on why ] #AhedTamimi slapped a soldier. "More than 300 times, they raided my house, my wife was arrested 5 times, I was arrested 9 times, I was tortured after all that someone asked, why Ahed slapped a soldier?

– Mondoweiss (@Mondoweiss) June 12, 2018

The 17-year-old activist was sentenced to eight months of prison after the video of his slap and shouting at an Israeli occupation soldier became viral.Ahed was trying to force the Israeli soldier to leave his family's home.

His mother, Nariman, and his cousin were also arrested for the same incident.

This Palestine Chronicle video is dedicated to Razan Al – Najjar, the march back from Gaza, and to all Palestinians who have resisted and continue to resist. Stone & # 39; is a poem by Ramzy Baroud, with an original musical composition of the Italian artist Romana Rubeo, recited by the Algerian actor Amiar Souphiene

Gepostet von Ramzy Baroud am Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2018

Mohammed Tamimi, a year-old cousin, had been shot in the head with a bullet in rubber coated steel the day before. Tamimi was charged with aggravated badault, obstruction of the soldiers' work and inducement, inter alia, on 2 January.

The Tamimi family has been constantly targeted because of its active resistance to the expansion of the illegal Israeli settlement named Halamish.

In May 2018, 291 Palestinian children were held in Israeli jails as security detainees and prisoners. Ahed Tamimi, detained at the age of 17 in December, was sentenced to eight months in prison in an Israeli prison. Tamimi should be released this Sunday.

– The IMEU (@theIMEU) July 25, 2018

According to the Israeli group of human rights B & # t; tselem, at least 350 Palestinian children are currently imprisoned in Israeli jails.

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