Israeli police shoot at Palestinian woman in Jerusalem


According to Israeli police, a Palestinian girl was shot dead Tuesday during an badault on the stabbing weapon in the occupied city of East Jerusalem.

Police said that a girl with a knife tried to stab civilians and soldiers near a police station in Jerusalem.

"Border police responded to an attempted stabbing attack at a gas station near the Mishor Adumim settlement," said the spokesman. police, Micky Rosenfeld, in a statement.

"The attacker was hit and neutralized," he said.

No injuries were reported among the Israelis.

The Palestinian authorities did not comment on the incident.

On Monday, Israeli forces fired and wounded a Palestinian during an alleged badbadination attempt in Hebron, West Bank.

Israel's new favorite: Oman
Israel's new favorite: Oman

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Oman, with which Tel Aviv has no diplomatic relations, has reopened the debate on the future of relations between the Gulf States and Israel, and therefore its impact on the Palestinian problem . Earlier, Yıtzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, also former leaders of Israel, went to Oman in 1994 and 1996, but Netanyahu's visit at the end of October attracted many more people. # 39; s attention. . The current Middle East is essentially trying to be transformed today. This is why the relationship developed between the actors is more important than ever. That's why, on his first trip to the Middle East after his election, President Donald Trump said it was time to form new alliances. The countries and actors who have formed a report and those who have separated must therefore be carefully evaluated. Iran and Palestine are essential issues. Two issues dominated the Middle East's international agenda over the past two years. These issues have been more in the spotlight than the civil war that has ravaged Syria for more than seven years. The first is whether Iran is a threat and the second is how the lack of solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will shape the future. These questions are so profound that even Jamal Khashoggi, who was killed in Istanbul, is not immune from these discussions. Just prior to his badbadination, Khashoggi said that considering Iran as the main source of conflict in the Middle East was a serious problem and that the suffering it caused today was the cause. According to Khashoggi, many arguments in the Middle East were based on the Israeli-Palestinian problem. Israel arresting 19 Palestinians during raids in the West BankOman is a mediator? A rapprochement is growing every day between the Arab countries and Israel in the remodeling of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia opened its airspace to Israeli planes, Arab leaders held secret meetings with Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, and finally the Sultan of Oman welcomed Netanyahu despite the lack of relations diplomatic relations between the two countries. It should also be noted that Netanyahu's visit took place just days after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' three-day visit to Oman. This indicates that Oman is taking the role of mediator. However, this situation should not be explained by mediation alone. It is necessary to recognize that this rapprochement means that the declarations made by Israel over the years concerning the improvement of relations with the Arab countries have more than ever materialized. Israel is legitimizing these actions based on the common enemy, Iran. At a time when the United States has particularly demonized Iran, Israel seeks to widen the gap between Muslims and the region by expanding chaos. Israeli Benefits Muslim communities in the Middle East are plunged into serious chaos and conflict. Many Muslim countries such as Libya, Yemen and Syria are ravaged by war. Despite holding elections almost a year ago, Iraq and Lebanon have not been able to form a strong government. Many Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran and Egypt, have plunged into a number of problems by directly or indirectly participating in the civil wars of their countries. neighbors. In addition to all this chaos, countries have embarked on an arms race by building coalitions against each other. When a common enemy is formed, Israel concludes these alliances and makes earnest gains. As Middle Eastern countries become polarized to overcome the chaos in which they live, Israel emerges victorious. interests in the region after the Trump Government's visit to Oman. must be evaluated in this light. With the US withdrawal from the nuclear deal signed during the Obama era, Iran is once again becoming an enemy and is beginning to be perceived as a threat by the states of the Middle East. The fact that Iran is perceived as a threat not only removes the Palestinian issue from the global agenda, but also reinforces Israel 's position in this conflict. Washington's recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the opening of the debate on refugee rights and incomes can be seen as a great victory for Israel during its conflict with Palestine. Pulling the United States by its side and sowing fear among the Arab countries by declaring that Iran is the common enemy is perhaps one of Israel's most obvious advantages in terms of silencing critics on his own invasion policy. However, Israel is not content with these gains, it is also investing for the future. Oman is one of those investments. Israel is trying to influence its remoteness from many clashes, particularly in the Middle East, making it one of the pioneers of mediation. Oman played a key role in the nuclear deal with Iran and made a significant contribution to the agreement. From this point of view, Oman should become a mediator, the United States having lost this role. Israel is trying to lead Oman, which is likely to mediate the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, by controlling it. Iran accuses Israel of a failed cyberattackSmart of harmony or chaos? Netanyahu's visit was largely masked from the Gulf media, and this was deemed important in terms of peace in the Middle East. On the contrary, the Iranian media, which has good relations with Oman, described the trip as a new source of chaos. The Iranian media said the visit would provoke conflict and corruption between Muslim countries, and stressed that the Palestinian issue would be overshadowed by these visits and relations. Rather than evaluate this visit as part of an alliance against Iran or as part of such an effort, the Iranian press has interpreted it more in the light of the Palestinian problem. A diplomatic success for the Israeli-Israeli press called the visit a strategic operation. In the same week, three visits to the Gulf countries at the ministerial and prime minister levels were described as diplomatic success. The symbolic significance of the recitation of the Israeli national anthem during sports activities in the United Arab Emirates was mentioned. Netanyahu's visit to an Iranian friend – Oman – has been described as a new step in the isolation of Iran and also considered important for the pursuit of peace and stability in the Middle East. Israel destroys Bedouin structures in the West Bank

Israel arresting 19 Palestinians during raids in the West Bank
Israel arresting 19 Palestinians during raids in the West Bank

The Israeli army on Tuesday arrested Israeli forces that arrested 19 Palestinians during night raids on the occupied West Bank. The individuals were arrested for "alleged involvement in popular terrorist activities," said the army in a statement, without specifying the nature of these acts. The Israeli army frequently conducts extensive arrest campaigns in the West Bank under the pretext of seeking "wanted" Palestinians. According to Palestinian figures, some 6,500 Palestinians continue to languish in Israeli detention centers, including dozens of hundreds of minors. The Israeli army hurts an emblematic Palestinian protester

The Israeli army hurts the emblematic Palestinian protester
The Israeli army hurts the emblematic Palestinian protester

Israeli soldiers wounded Monday a young Palestinian whose photo was recognized around the world as a symbol of Palestinian resistance. The photo, which turned to social media and attracted the attention of the world's media, was taken by the photojournalist of the Anadolu Agency, Mustafa Hbadona, during a demonstration demanding the lifting of the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip. With a Palestinian flag in one hand and a sling in the other , the photo of Aid Abu Amr, 22 years old among mirrors of black smoke, represents 1830 of the French Revolution by Eugene Delacroix entitled "Freedom guiding the people" with revolutionaries led by a woman carrying a French flag and a musket Bayonet Amr participated in demonstrations on the northern Gaza border against the Israeli air, land and sea blockade when Israeli troops intervened. Abu Amr was shot in the leg by live ammunition. For the past seven months, Palestinians in Gaza have staged regular protests along the Gaza-Israel buffer zone demanding the right to return to their homes in historic Palestine where they were driven out in 1948. They also called for the lifting of the blockade imposed by Israel for 12 years in the Gaza Strip, which devastated the economy of the enclave and deprived its two million inhabitants of many basic amenities. Since the rallies began on March 30 this year , more than 200 Palestinians have been killed and thousands more injured by Israeli troops deployed across the buffer zone.Iran accuses Israel cyberattack failed: Israel demolishes Bedouin structures in the West BankIsrael arrest 17 Palestinians in the West Bank

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