Israeli scientist with an anti-occupation position excluded from the committee


An Israeli neuroscientist was barred from joining a scientific committee for past support for Israeli soldiers refusing to serve in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media reported on Monday.

Yael Amitai, researcher in neuroscience at Ben Gurion University. appointed to the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF), a scientific body established by both governments, in mid-June.

Sunday, Israeli Minister of Science and Technology Ofir Akunis blocked the appointment Amitai signed in 2005, along with other academics, support soldiers who refused to serve in the West Bank, that Israel has occupied since the Six Day War in 1967.

"As soon as Professor Amitai called for the refusal [of army service] Akunis, of the right-wing Likud party, told the Army radio on Monday [19659002"Ihavenotbeenelectedtopromoteotherprograms"hesaidspeakingtodpaAmitaisaysshe'snotagainstthemandatorymilitaryprojectof39IsraelasallegedbyOfiracitingthemilitaryserviceofhertwochildrenbutshesupportsthechoiceofsoldierstorefuseserviceintheWest

Amitai identifies as doing part of the Israeli left and supports a two-state solution, which would establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank and in another s

"It was not about serving in the army but serving in the territories," she said.

"[Akunis] wanted a scandal against academia, he must score a point for the primaries," she added, referring to the elections scheduled for the Likud party in early 2019.

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