Israeli scientists discover flame retardant chemicals related to a Hitler penis defect


A penile abnormality that allegedly hit Adolf Hitler could be linked to exposure to flame retardant chemicals before birth.

A study found that higher levels of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the uterus resulted in an increased likelihood of babies being born with hypospladias.

About one in 300 boys suffers from conbad malformation, which causes the opening of the urethra on the underside of the penis.

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The abnormality is regularly corrected by surgery

PBDEs are known to act as "endocrine disruptors" that disrupt the way the body responds to certain hormones, particularly estrogen.

Since the 1970s, PBDEs have been used in a host of products to reduce the risk of fire, including furniture, electronics, plastics and textiles.

Although their commercial use has been drastically reduced in the United Kingdom, they remain widespread in the environment.

badyzed hair samples from 89 Canadian women who gave birth to hypoplastic children

. Their exposure to PBDEs was compared to that of 54 women with unaffected children.

Mothers also answered questions about their lifestyle. hair dyes and products that weaken the hair's ability to retain chemicals.

Levels of exposure to PBDEs were nearly 50% higher in women who gave birth to boys with hyposplasia. Due to the effect of hair treatments, the real difference may have been higher, the researchers said.

The team, led by Dr. Gideon Koren of the Maccabi Research Institute Israel wrote in the journal Jama Paediatrics: "The results of our study suggest that the level of exposure to these endocrine disruptors during pregnancy could play a role in the etiology (origin) of hypospladias. " 19659003 "More research is needed to identify the threshold of tolerance of PBDEs to this conbad malformation"

In addition to having an undescended testicle, Hitler is believed to have suffered hypospladias

The malformation can affect the size and it is claimed to have given the Nazi tyrant a micropenis, which may or may not have changed.

Despite the claims of some historians, there is no formal evidence that Hitler was badigned by one or the other condition.

Professor Jean Golding, of the University of Bristol, said: is the first study to address the question of whether there is a link between these chemicals and hypospadias and, like all of these observational studies, it is important that they be confirmed in other studies before being considered causal. This is an important issue as these chemicals are very prevalent in the home environment.

"If they hurt, it's important to continue researching the issue."

Sir Colin Berry, of Queen Mary, The University of London, stated that the authors had made an "incredible leap of faith" regarding the importance of their discoveries.

Dr. Rod Mitchell, pediatric endocrinologist at the Center for Reproductive Health Research Council of Medical Research, said: necessarily means causality. The results of this study do not suggest that changes to current recommendations for pregnant women are needed. "

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