»Israeli soldiers demolish a children's garden and women's center near Jerusalem – IMEMC News


Israeli soldiers invaded the Palestinian Bedouin community Jabal al-Baba, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem, on Wednesday morning, and demolished a children's garden and a women's center.

Soldiers surrounded the Palestinian community, before demolishing the children's garden and women's center.

The attack is part of a series of violations, and Israel's constant attempts to move Palestinians from Jabal al-Baba, in addition to al-Khan al-Ahmar , and many communities, for the construction and expansion of its exclusively Jewish illegal settlements, in direct violation of international law.

The Israeli colonial colonial plan, known as the "Jerusalem E1 Plan", aimed to encircle the eastern part of Jerusalem with colonial settlements to surround the city, and to claim it for Israel, denying the historical and continuing claim of Palestinian people to the city.

The plan, which began in 2005 and Israeli colonial settlements widely spread over Palestinian land, is expected to move hundreds of thousands of residents from their homes and add them to the Palestinian refugee population – the largest refugee population in the world. the world.

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