Israeli technology helps rescue Thai caverns


Uzi Hanuni, who manufactured "magic" radios allowing rescuers to communicate despite all the stones between AJN offered him a lot of money for his system, but insisted on providing it for free

"It's the Jewish way," he said. "When there is a life at stake, you do not negotiate, you do your best to save those lives."

Thai rescuers trying to free a football team trapped in a flooded cave had trouble communicating with each other. they turned to the Israeli company Maxtech. Its system has increased by almost 20 times the power of the radios of rescuers.

"Two days after the disaster, our agent in Thailand heard about it and was contacted by the sailors of Thailand.Communication in the caves," said Maxtech's CEO, Uzi Hanuni.

"The agent approached us and said that they were willing to pay a lot of money to bring this solution in. We decided that we would not do it for of money, we would do it to save lives. "

AJN spoke to Hanuni on Monday, a few hours after the first four boys emerged from the cave, and he was confident that his technology contributed to success. "The seals of the navy and all the rescue forces are managing the rescue effort with these radios, they could not manage them without them."

The normal radios used by rescuers have a range of a few kilometers in open areas, but in harsh environments such as caves, the range may be tiny. Hanuni has provided special radios that "jump" voice, video and data from one to the other.

Now rescuers who are not close can communicate with each other, as long as there are people with radios at regular intervals. between them. Each radio picks up the signals it receives and transmits them, solving the problem of the difficult environment.

Hanuni speaks of the system as a sort of "chain of daisies", explaining: "We can chain all the radios to establish communication from the edge of the tunnel to one kilometer."

The father of three had the idea after September 11, and put it on the market 13 years later.

He said, "Just after September 11, I decided that the rescue forces should not die trying to save lives.Then the first responders tower collapsed and they could not communicate with each other, so I decided to build a resilient network that does not require infrastructure. "

By the way, Israel's ambbadador to Thailand Meir Shlomo visited the cave site. He said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had sent him to "see what kind of help Israel could offer his friend Thailand".


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