Israeli Teen Ahed Tamimi Was Just Released From Israeli Prison


W ASHINGTON – The release of a Palestinian child by Israel's military for shoving, slapping and kicking … Against Palestinian Children, Amnesty International said

Seventeen-year-old Ahmad Tamimi was set free today, 21 days short of completing an eight-month prison sentence following her wrongful imprisonment by Ofer military court in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

"This is a huge relief for Ahed Tamimi's loved ones, but they will not be afraid to be a victim of crime. , "Said Saleh Higazi, Head of Office in Jerusalem for Amnesty International.

" Ahed Tamimi's release must not obscure the familiar and conti Palestinian children. "

" Hundreds of Palestinian children continues to face the harsh conditions of the occupation and the settlement of the Israeli occupation. and abuse of the Israeli penitentiary system, "Saleh Higazi said.

Ahed Tamimi was convicted of inciting, aggravated badault and obstructing Israeli soldiers after a video showing her shoving, slapping and kicking two Israeli soldiers in her home village of Nabi Saleh on 15 December 2017 went viral on Facebook.

She was arrested on 19 December 2017 after her mother Nariman Tamimi, also a prominent activist, posted the footage of her altercation Israeli soldiers online. Tamimi Tamimi's father, Bbadam Tamimi, told Amnesty International that Ahmad Tamimi's father, Bbadam Tamimi, told Amnesty International that he was still worried about his family. his, Wa'ed, who was arrested in May. The 22-year-old has been detained in Ofer military prison

"My son is still in Israeli prison for the duration of military court proceedings against him, which is a reminder that Israel's occupation is always seeking to punish us because our existence contradicts the existence of the occupation. And so, I call on members of international community to uphold their responsibility towards our people and take concrete steps to end this perpetual injustice, "said Bbadam Tamimi

" This is a day of relief, which we hope will blossom into happiness This brutal military occupation is out of our lives. "

The video taken by Nariman Tamimi shows that the soldiers, who were standing on the edge of the family's front yard and armed with badault rifles, were able to lightly swat away Ahmad Tamimi's slaps and kicks.

"Ahed Tamimi has been released, but only after serving a sentence based on the ridiculous premise that it posed a threat to armed and heavily protected soldiers," said Saleh Higazi.

"The The Israeli army prosecutes of the Israeli army prosecutes hundreds of thousands of thousands of people who are still in prison. "

Palestinian children in military courts every year, even after arresting them in night raids and systematically subjecting them to ill-treatment, including blindfolding, threats, harsh interrogations without the presence of their lawyers or families, solitary confinement and in some cases physical violence. 19659002] Military courts prosecute Palestinians for violating military orders, many of the criminal laws, criminal justice and other criminal offenses.

"While Ahed's freedom is long overdue, it must be followed by the release of the other children unlawfully imprisoned by Israeli military courts," said Saleh Higazi.


Ahed Tamimi confronted the soldiers in the small village of Nabi Saleh against US President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The incident took place on the same day as one of Ahed's cousins, 15-year-old Mohammad Tamimi, Israeli soldiers.

Nabi Saleh, located north-west of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, The United States, has had the greatest influence on the Israeli military, and has had a great deal of peace and security.

The Israeli army routinely uses excessive force against protesters and bystanders cases deliberately damaged private property. Since 2009, three Nabi Saleh residents have been killed by Israeli soldiers, and others have suffered injuries caused by live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas.

Top Photo | Palestinian protest icon Ahed Tamimi is in a courtroom at Ofer military prison near Jerusalem, Feb. 13, 2018. The Israeli military judge overseeing the trial of Palestinian teenager Tamimi (AP / Ariel Schalit)

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