Israeli women's water polo match in Spain relocated due to BDS pressure – Sports


A women's water polo match in which Israel's team was due to compete Tuesday against Spain, the current world champion, was moved to a different place after the local municipality against Israel.

The cancellation of the event, part of the European championship, in the suburb of Molins de Rei due to BDS pressure shocked the leaders of the Israeli team. The Spanish water polo badociation offered that Israel play the match at the new arrival without an audience. The Israelis refused and did not show up at the scheduled game. Minister Miri Regev and the Director of the Olympic Committee of Israel, Gili Gluska, at the end, the Spanish authorities succumbed to pressure.

The game will be played in the new – another suburb of Barcelona – with an audience Tuesday evening. Hundreds of members of Barcelona's Jewish community also planned to attend the match.

The Israeli delegation arrived in Spain after suffering a defeat in Greece.

"It's a difficult feeling. We are here for sports, and athletics always creates the best diplomacy for Israel, "Revital Gluska, the Israeli Water Polo Association Chairwoman, said. "It is very upsetting when politics interferes with sports. We will continue to focus on our mission for this visit, promoting Israeli water polo and closing the gap with a top world [champion] team. "

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