'It's possible to bring back the soldiers' bodies within a week'


IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eiznekot said that the political establishment was able to bring about the return of two murdered IDF soldiers – Oron Shaul and Hadar Goldin – whose bodies were held by Hamas since 2014.

Eizenkot's remarks were made during a meeting on Friday with Simcha and Leah Goldin.

During the meeting, Eizenkot told the world that "all the projects in Gaza, food, sewage, and medicines".

Eizenkot also stressed that the political echelon wishes, the boys can be returned within a week.

"From the hard meeting, we conclude that the Prime Minister does not want to return to the soldiers to Israel," said the Goldins following the meeting, "For the third time the Prime Minister once again played with the families' feelings and tricked us, and Netanyahu agrees to pay salaries to Hamas' terror apparatus before demanding that the soldiers return to Israel. "

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