James Harrison on Tom Brady: "I wanted to hate him … he's the best teammate"


Who is the best coach Bill Belichick or Mike Tomlin? the debate has been over for some time – last December may have been the last nail in this coffin – but James Harrison played for both, he was the guest of Skip Bayliss and Shannon Sharpe on Undisputed from FS1 the question was natural:

Mike Tomlin [or] Bill Belichick?

"Belichick" was Harrison's quick and unequivocal answer.

By far?

"For me, yes."


" Mike Tomlin is good as a head coach, "said Harrison, the long-time Steelers linebacker who finished his career with the Patriots last season. "He's a coach of players, I think he has to be a little more disciplined …

" The great thing with Belichick, is that he's very disciplined . He is disciplined. Everyone will be on the same page. It's not going to go as far as someone who does his own thing. There, all their coaching staff is like that. You will know what you are doing. There is a meeting after a meeting; I have never been to so many meetings in my life. . . Dude, I saw Tom Brady run to a meeting, scared of being late. . . I do not even know what happens if you're late for a meeting there.

Because everyone gets there at the moment?

"Yes, yes."

The essential, in the spirit of Harrison, is the following:

"Belichick, that is the old school, do it like that or it is not going to be done. I said, playing for him is easy if you are used to [regimentation] if you have the habit of playing the game. (If you have the usual) it is not not difficult to do. "

And personally?

"Belichick is really funny, he has nothing to do with the guy you see on TV."

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