James Van Der Beek's short but sweet message to breastfeeding moms is a hit with parents


Dawson's Dawn Creek James Van Der Beek and his wife, Kimberly Brook, announce the birth of their fifth child in June. The couple are quite busy in recent days, it's the least we can say, but that did not stop Van Der Beek from expressing himself on important post issues. -partum such as badfeeding. Do you want proof? Look no further than James Van Der Beek's inspiring message to badfeeding moms on Tuesday. The powerful post has collected over 32,000 likes, and parents are praising Van Der Beek for standardizing badfeeding.

Van Der Beek went from living single life to married with five children really fast . A month after marrying Brook in August 2010, Van Der Beek welcomed his first daughter, Olivia, to the world. Joshua, 6, followed by Annabel, 4, and Emilia, 2. And finally, a little girl named Gwendolyn joined the family on June 15, 2018. As I mentioned earlier, Van Der Beek became dad at five in the blink of an eye.

Although one can imagine that Van Der Beek does not have time for social media given that he is a busy actor and father, he appears quite often to show the realities of parenting, including badfeeding. "# Lactating moms everywhere … we salute you," said Van Der Beek, a gorgeous shot of Brook Gwendolyn Breastfeeding at Nobu in Malibu, California.

Besides the fact that the picture is absolutely breathtaking (seriously, the couple must frame this shot as soon as possible), it deserves attention because it is rare to see a father put forward badfeeding on a public platform. It is incredibly important that more dads talk about badfeeding in order to normalize it. Fighting social stigma is a group effort.

After Van Der Beek's post, many parents took the comments section to applaud his transparency.

"Do you both like to use your platform to normalize birth and lactation!" "What an incredible husband and what support system you are!", Said someone else, having a supportive partner during the trials and tribulations of this fourth quarter. "Thank you for being yourself!"

"What a beautiful photo !!! I will never understand how to feed our children has become a controversy," added a speaker. "Really, use your voice for good! @vanderkimberly, it's so cool to see the support of the husband! You are so blessed!"

Another fan said, "It makes me so much love and respect you!"

But what is particularly inspiring in Van Der Beek's message is the discussion that's going on. he aroused between his parents. I have never witnessed such a respectful and honest exchange between people on a celebrity 's Instagram page before, and that' s comforting. Essentially, some commentators support parents who do not badfeed, for whatever reason. When a person commented on the sorrow and judgment that she felt when she could not badfeed, someone answered:

Remember that we want to be proud of # Breastfeed because the journey can be difficult. But our enthusiasm and our pride can not in any case judge another mother for her choice.

"You do what you feel like the best mother for you and the baby, I'm sorry you had to be judged because of your mother's choice for your own little miracle," one person writes. "All babies are miracles, God bless you."

Although I'm not sure that Van Der Beek wanted to inspire a conversation about badfeeding versus bottle-feeding, I am sure he would approve it.

So here are other publications on badfeeding awareness of Van Der Beek. It is clear that parents appreciate the valuable work that he does.

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