Jerusalem legislator brags about efforts to "Judaize" the city by pushing police to shut down Palestinian pretzel vendor – Israel News


Aryieh King, a Jerusalem city councilor, removed an article on Facebook that boasted of the way he had sent municipal inspectors to an Arab hawker to "Judaize" the city.

He did not change his mind, however, said King to Haaretz.

King had uploaded photos to his page on the social media site showing the inspectors who were picking up the peddler at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem. The peddler's goods, mainly bread, were on the floor. "Jews, someone sure to maintain the Jewish character of Jerusalem," reads King's message. "This afternoon, a resident of the city contacted me after noticing an illegal booth at the Jaffa Gate, a booth whose owner sold pretzels and falafels on the pilgrimage route to the western wall. the Temple Mount, Av [fast day] You see the result. "

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He continued: "As I promised, we ensured that the law was enforced against the offender while contributing a little to the Judaization of Jerusalem. We made sure to protect a little the Jewish character and the feeling that you live or visit a Jewish city. The stand with all his food was confiscated. Thanks to the municipal inspectors. "

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The city councilman also criticized observers and self-proclaimed right-wingers.

"This is not Jewish, it is humiliating and shameful," writes one of them. Others called it mean and terrible. Even the site "Kipa" and "Arutz 7" reported on his post, which King finally deleted, replacing it with another.

Reactions showed that some people had misunderstood him, and he thought it important to be specific, King wrote.

"To clarify matters, this afternoon [female] a resident of the city contacted me, a golden ager who, while on his way to the Wall, encountered an illegal stall at the door of Jaffa, "he writes: A V. He contacted the Jerusalem municipality's execution unit and" after learning that the barn was working illegally, the inspectors decided to The image of the pretzels on the ground could create a completely wrong impression, and certainly does not reflect the situation in practice and the sweet and distinguished manner in which the inspectors handled the problem, even though They had a heavy workload that day, a particularly sensitive and complex day, while maintaining sovereignty and order in East Jerusalem.

The inspectors did not throw the food on the floor, the hawker did, King wrote.

Many people who responded to the job were concerned about the peddler's livelihood.

King replied, "But if he wanted to make a living like any other person, he should get a peddling license and operate under the terms of the license, certainly in such a sensitive place accessible to many communities like Jaffa Gate: Certainly, if he wanted to keep his merchandise, he should not have thrown it all on the ground.

He added that he is proud to belong to "people showing such sensitivity to every image that could, in a certain situation, be perceived as erroneous", even if it does not. was not the case, wrote King. "That's exactly the meaning of 'light to the nations'."

The modified post does not mention the Judaisation of Jerusalem, but he tells Haaretz that he is not retracting.

"This is a peddler who has been operating illegally for years, he has no license and he is fined, the people who were on the way to the top of the Kotel called me and that's I called him out, they know him, they confiscated his belongings and he is the one who turned his position on the ground, "King said.

"Judaising the city, it is preserving the characteristics of a Jewish city, the feeling that you are in a Jewish city.It is a criminal and the law must be enforced throughout the years. 39, year, but if, for a specific reason, they do not do it all year, then the days that are important to us, there is no room for compromise.It is n & # 39; There is no halachic problem, but the minute you put it in a place where tens of thousands of people go has a bad taste.I do not want to see such things.It gives you the impression that we are in a city that does not take into consideration the Jewish holidays Imagine if a Jew would sell cold drinks at one of the entrances to Al-Aqsa [Mosque] during the month of Ramadan. shish kebab from him. "

King said, "When I realized that people were not taking it as I thought, I realized that it was useless to educate them." They took the picture with me. food on the floor and have it captioned, for Judaiser Jerusalem, then I said that it is better to remove the image and the concept of "Judaisation" which gives to some people nausea and chills. "

King acknowledged that he would not have operated the same way against a Chabad booth operating without a license. "We have to make arrangements for the whole problem of handcarts in the city.I would not work the same way against a Habad stand.I have been talking about this peddler all over the place. In my opinion, it must be legally organized that some days if he does not understand the sensitivities, he must be treated.Practically, I say: I would not act the same way against a Habad stand because it does not bother [people] Nobody turned to me about it. "

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