Jerusalem mayor reduces UNRWA responsibilities


"The time has come to stop the lies of the refugees in Jerusalem. There are no refugees in our city, only residents, "Barkat said after ending UNRWA's role as a garbage collector in the Arab district of Shuafat.

By World Israel News Staff

Mayor Nir Barkat ordered 15 sanitation officers in the city of Jerusalem to enter the Shuafat Arab District for the first time, where municipal workers began providing cleaning services, replacing those provided by l & # 39; UNRWA.

Barkat arrived Tuesday afternoon to supervise the municipal employees, stating: "The era of UNRWA in Jerusalem is over. The time has come to stop the lies of the refugees in Jerusalem. There are no refugees in our city, only residents. "

"They must receive their services from the municipality like any other resident. We are implementing the first phase of UNRWA's evacuation plan taking responsibility for the cleanliness of the premises. [Shuafat]and, in the near future, together with the government, we will also provide education, social protection and health services until full sovereignty is achieved, "said Barkat.

"The United States does not want UNRWA, Israel does not want UNRWA and residents do not want UNRWA," he added.

This initiative has generated sympathetic reactions on social networks from local residents, who have been complaining for years about catastrophic UNRWA services.

Answers include: "Finally … may Allah help them," "the smell of carcbades and dead rotted to Amman," "good luck," "the public should also help," "well, they should continue this regularly, "" inshallah, it will always be like that, well done, "" they should get double pay "and" bravo, but people have to help keep it clean. "

"The municipality will gradually replace all the inadequate services currently provided by UNRWA in the areas of sanitation, education, welfare and health by the much higher services of the Jerusalem Municipality", announced Tuesday a statement from Barkat's office.

"The entry of the municipal cleaning workers, which began today, is the first step in the implementation of this plan, which is under the full authority of the municipality and does not depend on ministries. "

This measure is part of Barkat's plan to completely eliminate UNRWA from Jerusalem, hoping to demonstrate that Palestinian "refugees" living in his city are in fact normal residents of Jerusalem entitled to all the benefits and all the rights enjoyed by other residents of Israel. have the right.

Sanitation workers reportedly found hundreds of tonnes of waste and construction waste.

According to Barkat's plan, the municipality will now remove garbage from Shuafat seven days a week, using urban vehicles, tractors, compactors, cranes and manual waste disposal methods.

This decision comes after US President Donald Trump cut hundreds of millions of dollars in UNRWA funding, leaving the agency on the brink of financial collapse.

The detractors of this agency highlight the role of the Office in the Hamas terrorist reign in the Gaza Strip, the extent to which the programs of its schools promote anti-Semitism and incite terror, and the vast Endemic corruption surrounding the services that she is supposed to be Palestinians.

Nir BarkatShuafatTrumpUNRWA

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