Kahlon to Netanyahu: You do not know what to talk about


Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon castigated Prime Minister Binyamin Netanayhu at the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday. The confrontation occurred in the context of the Prime Minister's proposal to adopt a compulsory arbitration law in labor disputes.

During the meeting, Netanyahu turned to the Minister of Finance, who opposed the movement that would ignite the Histadrut. "Go with me to compulsory arbitration."

Kahlon rejected the idea from the outset and replied that Netanyahu had no chance of pbading. "Even your party will not leave you."

"You are a philosopher, you do not know what to talk about, and you leave it to us to do it," said Kahlon. "You have been Prime Minister ten years, and before that four years you will be here for twenty years and you will have done nothing yet."

Netanyahu responded to Kahlon's claims and said, "Coalition officials have always thwarted and now I want you to start preparing the law."

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