Kevin Durant is fighting again with people on the Internet, and this time he's a teenager on Instagram


Kevin Durant, for all his basketball skills, is not the best to ignore his critics on the Internet. We all know the account writers' saga and the various wars that came and go on Twitter, but now it seems like he's back on his nonsense – this time on Instagram

Durant, 29, who has just landed his second NBA title (19459008) and his second MVP final, enjoys his summer by scrolling through his Instagram feed and commenting on the same accounts that tag it in posts. This week the @bucketscenter account posted a photo collage of Durant, Kawhi Leonard and Anthony Davis with the caption "3 elite two-way players, but do not raise a team quite like LeBron and Steph because of their impairments of playmaking / leadership. " 19659002] Durant commented on the post, answering "Bruh will sweep the dorm room, you do not know the hoops Stop tag me in this trash."

Thanks to Durant for commenting on his own account this time, but he was not there. His anger has also spread to the MD's of the same account, which is apparently headed by a very polite and reasonable 17-year-old man.

Durant has every right to comment and criticize a position that is critical of him and his game – especially when he is badociated with it – so he has not necessarily done anything wrong. But, at the same time, he is a professional athlete and coping with criticism is a part of the concert, and this is not exactly the best optics for an athlete to train and throw jabs at a teenager on the Internet.

Durant is already receiving criticism of the lack of mental strength, so I'm sure it will not help much. It's crazy that no one has told this guy to go out of social media and ignore the noise, but I guess when you win MVP titles and rewards championship, do not fix which is not broken.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I just have the impression that a championship summer should be more fun than to settle for a high school student in the DM [19659007] require.config ({"baseUrl": "https: / / / fly-870 / packages / sportsmediajs / js-build", "config": {"version": {"vol / components / accordion": "1.0", "fly / components / alert": "1.0", "fly / components / base": "1.0", "fly / components / carousel ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / dropdown ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / fixate ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / form-validate ":" 1.0 " , "fly / components / image-gallery": "1.0" "fly / components / iframe-messenger": "1.0", "fly / components / load-more": "1.0", "fly" / components / load-more-article ":" 1.0 "" fly / components / load-more-scroll ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / loading ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / marketing-curse ur ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / modal ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / modal-iframe ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / network bar ":" 1.0 "," fly / components / 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