Knesset Committee Ratifies Decriminalization of Cannabis | The Jewish Press – | TPS / Tazpit News Agency | 26 Tammuz 5778 – July 9, 2018


Yona Schnitzer / GST

The Knesset's Labor, Welfare and Health Committee ratified a proposal to reduce the penalties for illegal use of marijuana from possible penalties. imprisonment to civil fines. The bill provides for a fine of 1,000 NIS for a first offense, 2,000 NIS for a second and criminal charges for a third offense.

Minister of Homeland Security Gilad Erdan, whose ministry is responsible for the Israeli police, congratulated He added that he "hopes and believes that the law will prevent unnecessary criminalization of civilians, while by minimizing the use of cannabis, especially for our young people ".

Knesset Member Merav Ben Ami (Kulanu) added that being "an important first step that the Knesset is implementing in a transparent and positive way", adding that the new law embodies "a significant change in perception of the public in all matters concerning the use of cannabis ".

Proponents of legalization criticized the bill by saying that it would result in more clashes between law enforcement and civilians rather than less, writing a ticket is much easier and less dramatic than stopping a person.

"It's a bad law, whose sole purpose is to make the punishment more severe and to facilitate the enforcement of the police". -The legalization of the Green Leaf Party has declared in response to the approval of the law, adding that the Israeli High Court of Justice is opposed to the law, as is the criminalization of cannabis users in general.

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