Kushner: Arab states have kept stateless refugees


The advisor to US President Donald Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, one of the architects of the peace plan of the administration, addressed the issue of "Palestinian refugees" during a conversation with reporters .

He noted that the Arab countries had not absorbed the Palestinian Arab refugees, the Jews having been absorbed by the State of Israel. "You are in a situation where it all started when you had 800,000 Jewish refugees from all over the Middle East and about 800,000 Palestinian refugees."

"What happened to Jewish refugees is that they have been absorbed by different places, while the Arab world has not absorbed many of these refugees over time. If we propose a political solution, I will try to propose the best proposed solutions which, in our opinion, are pragmatic, feasible and viable these days, "he said. a question asked by a Lebanese journalist.

"In this case, it's very easy to find the reasons why we should not be doing something, and that may be why it's been in place for so long, but I think the Lebanese people would like to see a solution to this problem, and I also think that the refugees, the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, who are denied many rights and who do not have the best conditions for the moment, would also like to see a situation. where there is a way for them to have more rights and to live a better life, we will talk about it when we get to the political plane. "

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