"Lay people dance to Shabbat songs"


  Yeshuat Yisrael Synagogue

Yeshuat Yisrael Synagogue

Uli Gol

The Tel Aviv City Inspectors issued a warning against the Yeshuat Yisrael Synagogue in southern Tel Aviv on the Shabbat songs broadcast on the speakers of the synagogue. early Shabbat,

The municipality would open a criminal record against the synagogue if the warning is not followed.

According to Rabbi Michael Arbov, the rabbi of Yeshuat Yisrael, the actions against the synagogue are nothing but an attempt to stir up tensions between religious and secular communities during an election year

" This is another of the religious struggles ahead of the elections, an unsuccessful attempt by a number of politicians who are trying to mark political capital on the backs of Judaism, and on Shabbat, God willing, that will not succeed. " said Rabbi Arbov to Arutz Sheva

"Not only did we hear [the loudspeaker] as usual, but dozens of residents of Shapira neighborhood also came to the house and said that if the municipality did not want to hear five minutes once a week, they would listen for forty minutes., The main street and said that it is their reaction to the municipality of Tel Aviv. "

" Personally, I n & # 3 I was not aware of this organization of the lay residents' protest, and it strengthened us a lot to continue our journey.

Rabbi Arbov noted that the letter he received from the municipality did not mention a period of time before the request to silence the songs Sabbath was executed, but instead demanded that the warning be immediately implemented, and therefore the city councilor, Mr. Natan Elnatan, appealed to the District Court and we very much hope that the court will join us. "

He rejected claims that loudspeakers could disturb neighbors." There are a number of neighbors who can disturb them, but not because of the noise, but because he's screaming. for Shabbat and it's a Jewish trait, that's why it bothers them, because it can not be that five minutes a week causes all this chaos.In no case we will give up. "

"The place has a traditional character. The names of the streets are great rab The neighborhood was a mixed neighborhood and anyone who can welcome one is invited to stay. But those who can not find another neighborhood, "he said," this is not simple, but with all the infiltrators, no one has ever touched Judaism, and unfortunately he crosses a red line. "

The Municipality of Aviv responded that" the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa is acting within the scope of its legal powers to prevent any noise nuisance that disturbs residents, be it a church, a synagogue or a mosque. Parallel to this activity, the mayor asked the president of the religious council to contact the representatives of the synagogues who installed public loudspeakers in order to arrive at acceptable solutions for all residents. "

" Despite attempts of political elements in radicalization, the municipality will continue to act by all means – by way of execution or dialogue – to ensure the quality of life of residents and preserve the spirit of tolerance and freedom that characterizes the city. "

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