Legislator Tibi castigates the theft of Israel's decision to withhold money from the AP's revenues


Palestinian legislator Tibi blasphemes as a robbery Israel's decision to withhold money from PA revenues

JERUSALEM, July 3, 2018 (WAFA) – Palestinian-Israeli deputy Ahmad Tibi, from the joint list, blasted Tuesday's law that allows the government to deny the Palestinian Authority what the Palestinian Authority allocates to the allowances granted to families of Palestinians held by Israel for resisting its occupation and those murdered by Israeli forces calling the law armed robbery.

The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, adopted in second and third reads on Monday the bill that allows to withhold money from the customs revenue of the PA that Israel collects on its behalf on goods entering its ports. The AP has no control over its borders. The allowance rises to $ 6 million a month, while Israel collects more than $ 120 million a month in customs.

"The occupation is occupation: you worship people who have mbadacred Palestinian and Jordanian families like Meir Har Tzion, and we consider him a murderer and a terrorist. In return, you call the fighters and martyrs of the Palestinian people terrorists and you pbad this law, which is an armed robbery of the allowances of the Palestinian people that you collect and charge 3% commission. a robbery and robbery, "Tibi told the Knesset

" Whenever you introduce a new fascist, racist and extremist bill without affecting the morale of the Palestinian people. " was at an event marking the fourth anniversary of the fire of the child Mohammed Abu Khudair by Jewish extremists without you considering cutting the national insurance allowance of his murderers. has two s Some settlers chanted "Where's Ali … Ali is on the grill" in front of Lydda's court and in front of the grandfather of Ali Dawabsha's child under the eyes of the Israeli police who n? did not say anything. "[19659003] Tibi added," You can pbad the racist and extremist laws that you want, you can usurp rights, rape the earth and burn our children, but we remind you what we say and believe: you will never able to break the will of the Palestinian people living under occupation who aspire to freedom. "


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