Letters – Pasadena Star News


Re "In the future, few forest fires" (Letters, July 19):

I would like to support Jan Freed's letter on climate change. It is not too late for President Trump and his Republican colleagues to leave a truly undeniable positive legacy.

Without wishing to disrespect Republican voters, I wonder what they think they have paid scientists for all these decades? Is not one of the goals of science not to help us follow a path that will benefit everyone?

For those who do not think that there is sufficient evidence, are they really ready to play our future?

Unfortunately, many in Congress are indebted to special interests who are climate deniers. As voters, we must change that!

– Joyce Waterhouse, Pasadena

Obama and the Israeli Election

The Democrats are unhappy with the fact that the Russians are hacking the DNCs and lorries. Ex-Democratic administration illegally spent $ 350,000 in taxpayers' money in July 2015 for OneVoice in order to overthrow Netanyahu in his attempt to be repeat offender.

Clearly, it was an interference in the Israeli elections, supporting a candidate that President Obama wanted to win and who would support his Palestinian agenda.

I am not happy that the Russians are interfering in our elections and I am not happy how President Obama and his administration have tried to influence the outcome of the Israeli elections.

– Rod Guyton, Torrance

Light Rail Will Move Companies and Jobs

Re "Van Nuys Boulevard Railway Approved" (June 29) :

So, for some $ 100 million, we will move dozens of businesses and hundreds of jobs that may never come back. Stuart Waldman says it's worth it and a small price to pay. I guess his job is safe.

Those of us who are old enough remember the streetcars of Van Nuys and Sherman Way at Canoga Park, Chandler Boulevard in downtown Los Angeles, removed in the 1950s in the name of progress. . Two hundred million will come from the tax bill on the essence of Senate Bill 1. You know, that of repairing our dreadful roads. And may well be repealed in November

I hope the cars have the bells I remember … ding ding ding went the trolley

– Thomas Trevor, Granada Hills [19659018] [ad_2]
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