LGBT activists block Tel-Aviv road protesting surrogacy law


Staff Writer

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LGBT activists blocked traffic on King George Street, one of Tel Aviv's main thoroughfares, and demonstrated outside the city's Likud party headquarters to protest a According to Israeli media on Monday, the chain of laws proposed by activists is discriminatory against homobaduals, bads and transgender people.

The draft surrogacy bill, which denies gay unions backed by the state, bids. The Knesset is expected to hold a final vote on the bill on Monday.

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"The surrogacy law of the government is the first law in decades that directly aims to harm the gay community," activists said in a statement. "We will not allow such racist laws to be adopted – the direct attack on the gay community is shameful for the state of Israel, for the government of Israel and for its leaders. LGBT community is strongly attacked by supporters of Smotritch and Litzman, and the time has come for parties that claim to accept the community – especially Likud and Kulanu – to put an end to this. "

Protests follow a

Protests took place without the prior approval of the police.At the request of the police, the protesters left the road, but vowed to continue their protests in the future.

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