Liberman says that he will begin to examine the new chief of staff


Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman announced that he will begin the process of replacing Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot when he will step down in December 2018.

"In the coming days, I will begin the process of selecting the next chief of staff," tweeted Liberman. "The process will be orderly and responsible, as the IDF continues to face growing threats on several fronts. near and far.I will choose the best chief of staff who will lead the Israeli army to victory on the battlefield. "

Eizenkot is at the head of the IDF since 39. He replaced Benny Gantz in 2015. The Chief of Staff has a three-year term and is traditionally appointed for the fourth year.In spite of rumors that Netanyahu would have extended the term of office by one year. Eizenkot, the chief of staff shot down rumors in June and ins retired in December

The selection process is based on the recommendations of the Attorney General. steps. The first two will engage with Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot and former senior officials, including prime ministers, defense ministers, chiefs of staff and commanders. higher

. be approved by the Advisory Committee on Senior Appointments to ensure that all meet the committee's requirements and are qualified to serve as Chief of Staff.

Lieberman will formulate his position vis-à-vis the lead candidate, in consultation with the Prime Minister, and then make the necessary appointment to the cabinet for approval.

The three nominees to replace Eizenkot are Aviv Kochavi, Yair Golan and Nitzan Alon. Of the three, Kochavi is considered the obvious favorite. The current deputy chief of staff, Kochavi, has a long history of success on the battlefield and is considered a brave and effective leader

Major General Yair Golan was once considered the probable successor of Eizenkot. However, his image was tarnished after he sparked controversy when he apparently compared Israel to Nazi Germany in a speech on Holocaust Memorial Day in 2016.

S & H There is something that scares me about the memory of the Holocaust, "that is by seeing the heinous processes that have taken place in Europe, and in Germany in particular, there is 70, 80 or 90, and finding manifestations of these processes here among us in 2016. "

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