Likud MPs attack the GA decision to ban officials from meeting


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party lambasted Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit after he decided to ban law enforcement officials
from a Knesset committee discussion about a claim made by the Netanyahu couple's lawyers earlier this week, arguing that the officer who chaired a series of corruption investigations against them was motivated by revenge.

Knesset Home Affairs Committee Chairman Yoav Kish MP (Likud) decided to postpone the meeting of the Committee on Sexual Abuse Complaints Against the Former Commander of Lahav 433 Dep. Comm. Roni Ritman, and said that he would establish an investigation committee to investigate the claims of the Netanyahu couple.

Not to mention the Attorney General by name, Kish attacked Mandelblit's stance, saying law enforcement officials were trying to cancel the committee meeting, arguing that it would hurt an ongoing investigation. despite my explicit opinion. "

  MK Ohana, AG Mandelblit, MK Kish (Photo: Ohad Tzvigenberg, Yoav Dudkevich)

MK Ohana, AG Mandelblit, MK Kish (Photo: Ohad Tzvigenberg, Yoav Dudkevich)

"I will not give not a hand at this silence, "continued Kish, noting that the Knesset has an obligation to oversee law enforcement procedures, even in this case. "The Prime Minister has the right, like everyone else, to conduct an investigation without conflict of interest."

The chairman of the commission stated that Mandelblit's decision shows a lack of respect towards the Knesset, and it intends to promote legislation that imposes sanctions on officials who refuse to call a Knesset.

  Kish chairs the Home Affairs Committee (Photo: Knesset Channel)

Kish chairs the Home Affairs Committee (Photo: Knesset Channel)

MK Amir Ohana (Likud) has no reserves and published a more direct criticism. "The Attorney General has gone too far, the Knesset is the public and the AG is an official," writes Ohana on Twitter. "By not sending his officials to the meeting, he has hurt the public and himself, so long as he has not settled this matter with MK Kish, I will not allow him to speak to my committee. , and I'm calling on all committee chairs to do the same. "

MK Swid Revital (Zionist Union) earlier than she would boycott the meeting." The committee chair is not supposed to be the prime minister's mercenary accused of crimes, nor use his parliamentary powers to influence the trial. This creates a dangerous precedent for interference in the criminal investigations of politicians. It's not a coincidence that the Knesset's Attorney General and the Knesset's legal adviser strongly oppose him, "she said of Kish.

  Sweid Revital

Sweid Revital

Mandelblit previously announced that representatives of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Republic, the Israeli Police and the Police Investigation Unit attended meetings of the committee. negative impact on investigations.

The meeting was scheduled after Netanyahu's lawyers asked the Attorney General on Tuesday to reconsider the credibility of the investigations against them during Ritman's tenure as commander of Lahav 433, arguing that they were possibly be motivated by a personal vendetta against the family.

Mandelblit determined that the meeting, if held in the middle of the polls, could "interfere with the investigation in a manner that could be interpreted as an attempt to subvert justice".

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