MacBook Pro models 2017 and 2018 undergo a dust test to improve the keyboard: iFixit


Earlier this month, Apple updated its MacBook Pro lineup, with new 13-inch and 15-inch Touch Bar models, and announced that they had "quieter" keyboards, but no Did not reveal if she had solved the problem. had recognized earlier this year. IFixit disbadembled shortly thereafter, and revealed how the Cupertino giant solved the dust problems affecting its Butterfly switch keyboard design. iFixit said that Apple's claim of a "quieter" keyboard was a concealment. To give more weight to its claim, iFixit has now made a comparison between the old and the new MacBook Pros, showing us just how much the new model brings an improvement in dust resistance.

used a silicone membrane under each key to prevent dust particles from getting in and blocking them. In a new dust test, iFixit sprays dust on 2017 models and the new 2018 MacBook Pro models and compares the result. Because of the silicone membrane, most of the dust was prevented from entering the key mechanism. However, the shield has a few holes to allow keycap fasteners to attach, and if dust pbades through these holes then problems can surface. In comparison, the keyboard 2017 is flooded with dust.

iFixit concludes that although the 2018 laptop sees big improvements in dust management, the membranes do not protect the key mechanism to 100%. However, the risks of dust entry have greatly diminished. "On the 2018 keyboard, with the addition of more particles and some aggressive typing, the dust eventually penetrates under the sheltered clips, and is placed over the switch, so that the # 39; sealing is not yet foolproof, "iFixit note.

In addition, an internal repair document from Apple, obtained by MacGeneration, intended for repair technicians, clearly sees that Apple confirms having solved the problem of dust. In the document, Apple tells technicians that "the keyboard has a membrane under the buttons to prevent debris from entering the butterfly mechanism." The report also states that the procedure for changing the space bar is also different now, and the videos and documents on the interview will be communicated to them when the keycap parts begin to be shipped.

All this shows that the MacBook Pro 2018 models with a "third generation enhanced keyboard" that can allow a "quieter typing", it also solves the problem of dust even if Apple decides to keep quiet at this subject.

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