Made-Checking Pompeo on Iran – The New York Times



"Former IRGC Officer and Minister of the Interior, Sadeq Mahsouli, is dubbed" the billionaire general. "He became a poor IRGC officer at the end from the Iran-Iraq war worth billions of dollars How did it go? He had some talent for winning lucrative oil construction and trading contracts with badociated companies. at the IRGC Being a former college comrade of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might also have something to do with it. "


True, advocates say.

Pompeo's description of Mr. Mahsouli and his relationship with Mr. Rouhani's predecessor, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has been corroborated by human rights defenders, including the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center, a group based in New Delhi. Haven, Connecticut.

"And few people know, but Ayatollah Khamenei has his own speculative fund, the Setad, worth $ 95 billion, with a B. This wealth is untaxed, it is ill-gotten, and it is used as a slush fund for the CGRI The Ayatollah fills his coffers by devouring whatever he wants.In 2013, the Setad agents banished a 82-year-old Bahá'i woman from his apartment and have confiscated the property after a long campaign of harbadment.Taking land from religious minorities and political rivals is just another day at the office for this juggernaut who has interests in everything from real estate to telecom in the country. Ostrich farming is all done with the blessing of Ayatollah Khamenei. "


True, according to a Reuters survey.

A series of 2013 surveys by Reuters provided details on Setad and its evolving powerful organizations in Iran. Mr. Pompeo appeared to quote in part the Reuters account, which called Setad "a business juggernaut that holds stakes in almost every sector of Iran's industry, including finance, oil, oil and gas. telecommunications, the production of contraceptive pills and even the breeding of ostriches "


" Just a little earlier this month, an Iranian diplomat based in Vienna been arrested and accused of providing explosives for a terrorist bomb to bomb a political rally in France.That tells you all you need to know about the regime: At the same time, they are trying to convince Europe to remain in the nuclear agreement, they are secretly plotting terrorist attacks in the heart of Europe. "

THE FACTS [19659004] Fact, Guess and Omission

A number of people d & # 39; Iranian origin were arrested and accused in Europe of early July about what the investigators called a foiled plot to bomb a rally in France. The suspects included an Iranian diplomat in Vienna who was described as a contact person. Mr. Pompeo did not mention that the rally had been for an Iranian opposition group in exile, the Mujahedeen Khalq, who is unpopular in Iran. He advocates the overthrow of the Iranian government and has been on the Department of State's list of foreign terrorist organizations for years, but was withdrawn in 2012 after intense lobbying efforts.

On political protests in Iran


response to a myriad of government failures, corruption and disrespect of rights, since December, Iranians take to the streets of the demonstrations the most persistent and the most violent since 1979. Some people shout the slogan: "People are poor while the mullahs live like gods. Others choose to close the grand bazaar in Tehran. Specific grievances differ, but all those who express dissatisfaction share one thing: they were mistreated by a revolutionary regime. Iranians want to be governed with dignity, responsibility and respect. "


Mainly true but an inaccuracy.

The protests pale in comparison to the huge demonstrations and rallies that followed the strangely wobbly victory of Mr. Ahmadinejad in the 2009 elections. Iranians have asked for a recount of their candidate, Mir Hossein Mousavi, considered much more moderate than Mr Ahmadinejad.

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