Madonna Is Seeking A Kosher Chef For Her Six Children – The Forward



For £ 110,000 a year, millions of "Like A Virgin" fans are headed to WikiHow to learn how to cook kosher, because Madonna, pop's aging queen, is looking for a kosher chef to feed her and her six children.

"Super-yacht experience is essential," the ad says. And Madge knows her halachot. The food and beverage rules include "no swordfish, shellfish".

In true Jewish style, Madonna, who refers to herself as 'the Principal' in this ad, says Asian-Sushi / Sashimi and Italian cuisine are among her favorites.

While Madonna is not traditionally Jewish, she has dabbled in Kabbalah, fasted on the 9th of Av and adopted the Jewish name of Esther. And while we knew Madonna was like her Jewish tradition, we had no idea she was Jewish enough to swear off lobsters and cheeseburgers.

When Madonna wore a string around her wrist, she started a global trend. With Madonna at the helm, will kosher be making its great comeback?

Ah, Madonna. Never stop surprising us.


Shira Feder is a writer. She's at [email protected] and @shirafeder


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