Major Stone Falls: Is Kotel in danger of collapsing?


After a large stone fell from the Western Wall on Monday, an Israeli archaeologist said that the entire sacred site was a "dangerous area."

Other stones "could fall immediately" and hurt people. Israel. He is completing a Ph.D. on archeology of Temple Mount.

The stone fell into the place of egalitarian prayer, also known as "Ezrat Yisrael." She struck the prayer platform a few feet away from a visiting woman. I did not hear or feel anything before landing at my feet, "79-year-old Daniella Goldberg told Hadashot TV. She said that they "tried not to let the incident distract me from my prayers."

Israel "does not do proper conservation [of the site] because of politics," said Dvira, arguing that the controversy surrounding the egalitarian prayer zone

Although the egalitarian section was closed after incident, he believes that visitors should stand a few meters from the wall in all its sections, for security reasons. He noted that several rocks from the other three support walls of the Temple Mount have fallen in recent years. The rock fell Monday was broken in half by the moisture created by the plants in the wall.

"It's a matter of life and death," he said

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Ezrat Yisrael will continue to function as usual, but the platform where the stone fell will be temporarily closed.

Yizhar Hess, who heads the conservative movement in Israel, said, "A huge tragedy was prevented this morning, and the Wailing Wall reminded us that this requires … regular inspections by engineers. already on the scene. "

" The platform of prayer, which is next to the Wailing Wall, will be closed until further notice (Ezrat Yisrael will work as usual) "

Hess also called for inspection of the" entire wall "in order to" prevent a huge tragedy in the future. "

Unlike other places of worship of the Western Wall, Ezrat Yisrael remains empty for most of the year, except for Mitzvah ceremonies. It was also empty in the evening of Tisha B & Av, when the Jews fasted and mourned the destruction of the two sacred temples

The official rabbi of the Western Wall intervened during the event of Monday

" This is an unusual and very rare incident – it has not happened for decades, "Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch said. "The fact that this powerful incident occurred a day after the 9th fast, in which we mourned the destruction of our temples, raises questions that the human soul is too small to contain, and requires introspection."

By: A7 Staff

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