Majority of Israelis support LGBT protests, new poll finds


A majority of Israelis from across the political spectrum support the struggle of the LGBT community to secure the rights of the surrogate mother for gay couples, revealed a Hadashot TV poll.

The poll showed that 56% of the public supported the recent LGBT protests, while 33% opposed it. Although right-wing parties are traditionally considered socially conservative, the poll showed that 51 percent of Likud voters supported the demonstrations, and perhaps more surprisingly – 58 percent of voters in Jewish Home, a largely religious party.

The support of the centrist and left parties was indeed significantly higher, with 87% of voters from the Zionist Union, 89% of Yesh Atid and 82% of Meretz.

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On Sunday night, about 100,000 people gathered at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to protest the exclusion of gay couples from a recently adopted surrogacy law. Gay rights activists and their supporters also observed an unprecedented day-long strike across the country

LGBT protest at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv on July 22, 2018. (Miriam Alster / Flash90)

The voters of the ultra-Orthodox and Arab parties opposed the LGBT campaign, according to the Hadashot poll, although the latter seems much less resolute: while Judaism and Shas United Torah respectively registered 90% and 78% of opposition. Arab) List stated that they were against the protests altogether. One-third was neutral or refused to answer, while 23% expressed support.

The survey also asked respondents about their attitudes toward government policy on the problem of incendiary kites and balloons launched in Israel from the Gaza Strip. These caused numerous fires and caused enormous damage in the fields of the surrounding Israeli communities.

Israel retaliated with air strikes against Hamas posts and launch teams, although there were few Gazan casualties. The military is careful to avoid actions that could aggravate the violence.

Feature: A Palestinian protester steals a kite loaded with incendiary devices against Israel during a demonstration along the border with Israel east of Rafah in the southern part of the Strip of Gaza, 2018 (Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash90)

A clear majority of Israelis, 70%, expressed dissatisfaction with the current action of the government, while only 21% said that & # 39; They approved. The survey did not clearly indicate the origin of the dissatisfaction of the respondents – some felt that Israel was too lenient, while others thought its air strikes were an overreaction.

The Polsters also asked respondents who they would vote for if elections were held today. The results were largely consistent with previous polls.

Likud, the poll showed, would get 30 seats, equal to its current number. Yesh Atid Yair Lapid would go to 19 (against 11 now), the Zionist Union would fall from 24 to 15, and the Common List (Arabic) would win 12 (currently 13).

The Jewish House would fall to 8 seats (10), while being tied for 7 seats each would be UTJ (6), Kulanu (10) and Yisrael Beytenu (5).

Back with 5 seats each are Meretz (5), Shas (5) and the still unnamed Party nominated by Yisrael Beytenu, Orly Levy-Abekasis (19659003) The Midgam poll questions 557 people representative of Israeli society, with a margin of error of 4.2%

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