Mark the 51-year-old cover-up of Israel's attack on USS Liberty


Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, August / September 2018, pp. 58

Human Rights

The USS Liberty Veterans Association and the US Navy Memorial in Washington, DC co It hosted the annual memorial service of 2018 in l & Honor of the 34 shipmates killed in action in the Israeli attack of 8 June 1967 against their ship. Few Americans experience the Israeli onslaught against a lightly armed US naval intelligence vessel in broad daylight in international waters. Ray McGovern, who served as a CIA badyst for 27 years and who was "in service" during the 1945-1900 Liberty Attack [1945-1910] addressed the crowd on Memorial Plaza, including including office workers and tourists who were having lunch. McGovern described how Israeli warplanes dropped napalm and fired 30mm cannons and rockets before sending torpedo boats to try to sink the ship and strafe three of the life rafts of 1945-1910 [19459109]. "The intercepted Israeli communications undoubtedly show that it was not a mistake," said McGovern

While he was treating 171 wounded men, including Captain William McGonagle, the crew waited for him. Help American warplanes that never came. When Vice Admiral Lawrence Geis, commander of the Sixth Fleet, protested against the order to recall the US warplanes sent to help Liberty Robert McNamara, then Secretary of State for Defense , said: ally on some sailors. "

The late Admiral Thomas Moorer, who interviewed the commanders of the two US aircraft carriers America and Saratoga, confirmed that McNamara had ordered their aircraft from their carriers. Called it "the most shameful act I have witnessed in my entire military career."

The torpedoed American ship limped in Malta, where the US Navy threatened to bring to court martial and imprisoned any survivor who was discussing the attack.According to the survivor of the USS Liberty John Hrankowski, who died in 2011, it was the cover-up of their own government that has been going on for years. decades and that caused PTSD and disappointment for the most decorated crew in the world War II.

-Delinda C. Hanley

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