Matt Ryan was at home asleep when news broke out of Julio Jones reporting to Falcons camp


Atlanta may have breathed a sigh of relief as Julio Jones reportedly arrived at the Falcons' training camp this week

Matt Ryan was too busy sleeping

. The winning quarterback may have been the most affected player by the scheduled absence of Jones, whose desire to obtain a new contract was put on hold with an "adjustment" to his salary of 2018 . But Ryan was "deeply asleep, resting" at home when news of Jones' arrival at the camp – "and he felt very good about it" when he woke up. "19659002" "I was sleeping at home when I had Text Message," Ryan told Pete Prisco at CBS Sports Headquarters. "(But) I've already experienced this with other teammates … and I understand it's part of the business."

The Falcons caller, who is connected with Jones to more After 80 pbades in each of the last four years, he hinted that his All-Pro system would have been prepared for 2018 with or without appearance at the training camp.

"I'm glad it's resolved and he's here. – Obviously, it's a good thing for us, he said. "(But) one of the things I always think is that professionals prepare to play and focus on being the best player they can be, whether it's here or not , I know he would have approached the same way "

As for the contracts, Ryan will play his new contract – an extension of $ 150 million over five years – in 2018. And yet, he has Prisco says his standards, like those of Jones, have not changed because of the money.

"I am delighted to be extended here in Atlanta and I will be here for the next six years, which is great, "he said." But in terms of pressure, I've always set a wait for myself that had nothing to do with the finance part of this case. "

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