Media rights group condemns Israel for arrest of Palestinian writer


A media group expresses concern over the arrest of a prominent Palestinian writer in the West Bank by Israeli security forces

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has declared Friday that Israel should immediately explain why Lama Khater

Israeli officials arrested Tuesday, 32-year-old Khater, for his alleged involvement in Hamas's terrorist activities.

CPJ stated that Khater, a prominent blogger, is also an opinion writer contributing to several media, including Al-Qatar. -Jazeera, the Quds News Network affiliated with Hamas and the Arabic women's magazine Meem Magazine.

CPJ stated that the Israeli authorities had attacked Khater's house in the West Bank city of Hebron and arrested her without informing her of the charges against her.

"We are concerned about the arrest of Lama Khater, given Israel's frequent use of legal measures, including administrative detention, to keep journalists in jail Khater, which has nearly 90,000 followers on Twitter, recently wrote tweets criticizing Israel for refusing Muslims entry to the Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem, said CPJ Coordinator of the Middle East and Africa Program, Sherif Mansour.

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