Médiwound (MDWD) gave the daily sentiment rating of 0.09


  Mediwound logo The news on Mediwound (NASDAQ: MDWD) was rather positive Thursday, according to Accern Sentiment Analysis. By badyzing more than 20 million sources of blogs and news in real time, Accern ranks listed companies on a negative scale from one to one, with the closest scores being the most favorable. Accern also awarded press articles on the biopharmaceutical company an impact score of 47.4622646271703 out of 100, indicating that recent media coverage is unlikely to have any effect on the price of the product. action in the next few days.

Zacks Investment Research recently ranked Mediwound's "hold" rating as "sell" in a research report released on Wednesday. Heimer set a price target of $ 14.00 on Mediwound and awarded a "buy" rating to the title in a research report on Monday, June 11th. ValuEngine elevated Mediwound from a "sale" rating to a "conservation" rating in a research report on Friday, June 1st. Finally, Wells Fargo & Co reissued a "buy" rating on Mediwound shares in a research report on Tuesday, May 29th. An badyst rated the stock with a sales note, one issued a reserve note and five issued a buy-to-action note. The stock currently has an average rating of "Buy" and an average target price of $ 9.29.

Mediwound shares fell $ 0.20, reaching $ 6.50, during Thursday's trading, reports Marketbeat. The company's stock had a trading volume of 3,350 shares, compared to its average volume of 35,365. The stock has a market capitalization of $ 185.28 million, a price / earnings ratio of -10.48 and a beta of -0.09. Mediwound has a minimum of $ 3.56 in one year and a high of $ 7.50 in one year.

Mediwound (NASDAQ: MDWD) last published its quarterly results on Thursday, May 10. The biopharmaceutical company reported earnings per share of $ 0.17 for the quarter, which is consistent with Zacks' consensus estimate ($ 0.17). The company achieved a turnover of $ 0.52 million during the quarter, compared with $ 0.57 million for badysts. Mediwound posted a negative return on equity of 226.62% and a negative net margin of 904.12%. Equity research badysts expect Mediwound to post earnings per share of -0.76 for the current year.

Company Profile Mediwound

MediWound Ltd., an Integrated Biopharmaceutical Company, Focuses on the Development, Manufacturing and Commercialization of New Therapeutic Products to Address Unmet Need . It markets NexoBrid, a biopharmaceutical product intended for the elimination of pressure sore, dead or damaged tissue in adults with deep partial and deep thermal burns in the European Union, Israel and Argentina.

  Mediwound (NASDAQ: MDWD)

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