Merkel fights for the migration agreement not to collapse


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke yesterday, days after the German Chancellor made major political concessions to extremists who adopted the anti-immigrant stance of the Hungarian leader. Orban, a populist smuggler who campaigned against European asylum policies fiercely defended by Merkel, could not resist his first invitation to Berlin in three years

German Chancellor Merkel and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban have stressed their differences She told reporters at a joint press conference in Berlin that she wanted to protect "humanity" of Europe when it comes to how which it treats migrants and "it is probably what separates us". , "according to the Associated Press (AP).

Orban replied that Hungary's position has not changed since it closed its borders to migrants during the influx He says that his government considers the parking of 8,000 guards along its border to be "rather in solidarity" with the other EU members.

Ms Merkel acknowledged that the protection of the external borders of Europe is "important and justified", but the EU countries have declared themselves Merkel ended a tense confrontation with his conservative Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Monday by accepting to tighten border controls and set up closed "transit centers" to keep migrants on the Austrian border.

The rank of several weeks had threatened to overthrow its "grand coalition" government after only 100 days in the country. The weekly newspaper Mand Der Spiegel said yesterday that the hard-fought compromise marked an "orbanisation" of Merkel's policy, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP). "At the height of the refugee crisis [in 2015] Merkel and Orban waged legendary word wars in Brussels," she added.

The Seehofer Christian Social Union in the State of Bavaria is actively courting Orban during these years. Merkel. Spiegel said that she now seemed to recognize that EU hards could no longer be ignored or blocked.

Merkel 's fatal decision in 2015 to leave the German border open to people fleeing the conflict zones in the Middle East was mainly due to Orban' s refusal to offer them refuge, so Orban blocked "l '. Merkel's 'moral imperialism', while the Chancellor, who grew up in Communist East Germany, said she saw enough walls in Europe for a lifetime. Since then, the far-right parties share power in key countries like Italy and Austria, while the Alternative Party Against Immigration for Germany (AFD) ) won nearly 100 seats in the lower house of Bundesta.

later. Last week, she even thanked the Hungarian leader for his efforts to strengthen the EU's external borders, while Orban said "the huge success" of his firm stance at the conclusion of a European summit last week

. Merkel denied Wednesday that she sacrificed European principles of open borders and compbadion towards qualified asylum seekers on the altar of power politics

Merkel, who said that the fate of Europe could be determined by the migration issue. "I understand that if you only talk about border security, border security, border security, you will say: you only talked about border security, I want to seal you," he said. she says. "Of course, I've always wondered if what we're doing is right and important, and I've always told myself that it's important to stick to those principles, that's why I I'm glad we found a solution. " [19659016] (function (d, s, id) {
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