Minor earthquake shakes the north of Israel


In this photo from Friday, December 8, 2017, an aerial view shows the Jordan River estuary of the Sea of ​​Galilee near the village of Karkom, north of Israel
AP Photo / Oded Balilty

The magnitude 4.1 earthquake rocked northern Israel early Wednesday morning, authorities said, without any damage.

The earthquake struck four kilometers deep in the Sea of ​​Galilee. According to the Israel Geophysical Institute, tremors have occurred in northern Israel and the coastal region of Haifa.

Israel is located along the Syrian-African rift line that runs along the border between Israel and Jordan. It is a part of the Great Rift Valley, encompbading the northern region of Syria in Mozambique.

Earthquakes in the region were periodically felt in Israel, including following a magnitude 5.0 earthquake northeast of Dhahab in Egypt and a magnitude earthquake 3.6 in southern Lebanon in 2016.

In July 2015, a magnitude 4.4 earthquake struck the Dead Sea and earthquakes shook the country

Preparedness projects in anticipation of the possibility of a larger earthquake in the future.

In 1927, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake shook the region, killing 500 people and injuring 700 others.

See also: [19659004] Getting Ready for "The Big One": Is Israel Ready to Face the Disaster?

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