Minor earthquake shakes the sea of ​​Galilee again


A minor earthquake was felt in northern Israel on Sunday morning, the last of a series of jolts in the region.

The earthquake, measuring around 3.4 on the Richter scale, was felt in the area surrounding the Sea of ​​Galilee, according to the Israel Geophysical Institute.

There was no immediate report of damage or loss.

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Minor shocks have continued to shake parts of northern Israel in recent weeks, as the country's readiness for a larger earthquake increases.

Israel is located along the Syrian-African moat, a tear in the earth's crust. along the border between Israel and Jordan, and part of the Great Rift Valley, which extends from northern Syria to Mozambique.

The last major earthquake that struck the region was in 1927 – a quake of magnitude 6.2 50000 people and 700 wounded.

The north of Israel and the areas around Jerusalem and the Dead Sea are highly prone to an earthquake of 5 to 5.9 on the Richter scale, according to the World Health Organization . The Negev earthquake has an average risk of earthquake of 4 to 4.9.

Experts warned that a large earthquake could hit Israel in the near future, and the government began funding projects for the public. "If, God forbid, we have an earthquake like this, it will cause thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of people will have to leave their homes." Geologist Ariel Heimann told Hadashot earlier this month that the houses will be destroyed and mbadive economic damage will befall the country.

IDF soldiers search for survivors in a building that collapsed during an earthquake Ephraim Leor, a specialist in mbad disasters, said schoolchildren were particularly vulnerable, reporting a recent report that 1,600 schools were considered to be in danger by an investigation three years ago, only 53 have since been strengthened.

The IDZ Home Front Command Dam reported 7,000 dead and 200,000 homeless.

"Apparently, there will be a medium-sized earthquake with 100 -200 victims for this country to wake up and seriously prepare "None of the 108 factories of hazardous materials, ordered two years ago by the Ministry of Environmental Protection to strengthen their structures, has completed the process, reported a Hadashot press report. Only one plant presented a plan to implement the decision. The ministry said it was late, because of a "serious shortage of manpower".

A nationwide early warning system approved in 2012 only began its deployment a year ago. The Geological Survey of Israel has only deployed 55 of the 120 warning stations, none of which are operational.

  Schoolchildren taking part in a Home Front exercise, simulating an earthquake, in a Jerusalem school on February 20, 2012 (Photo credit: Uri Lenz / Flash90)

Schoolchildren taking part in a Home Front exercise simulating a earthquake in a school in Jerusalem on February 20, 2012 (Photo credit: Uri Lenz / Flash90)

A report from the State Controller in 2001 found that no funding was allocated for strengthening buildings and infrastructure. It was followed by another report in 2004, which said that little had been done in the meantime, due to quarrels between departments on labor responsibility.

In 2011, another report from the state controller issued further warnings The Defense Minister, Avigdor Liberman, announced earlier this month that a new multi-year plan aimed at to protect Israel from earthquakes will be presented to cabinet this month

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