Mossad says it helped defeat an Iranian terrorist attack in France – Israel News


Mossad reportedly thwarted an Iranian plot to attack a rally of Iranian dissidents in a Parisian suburb in June. On Thursday, Israel lifted censorship on the publication of the operation.

The Mossad gave Germany, France and Belgium crucial information about the information relating to the attack, which led to the arrest of a cell led by an Iranian diplomat.

The opposition rally was to include a speech by US President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

According to reports, Mossad agents found suspects in several countries.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu alluded to the operation in a speech he delivered in July: "I call on European leaders to stop funding the regime that sponsors terrorism against you and against so many others.

The reason for the censorship is unknown and it is not clear why the Israeli intelligence agency changed its position Thursday night to lift the censorship to publish The report.

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