Mossad welded its way into the Iranian nuclear trove warehouse


The Mossad agents who broke into Iran's secret nuclear archives in the heart of Tehran. in the New York Times Sunday.

Shortly before US President Donald Trump withdrew
from the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement,
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called a press conference
in late April to announce the stealth Mossad mission.

In early July, the Israeli government urged the United States to confirm that the Iranian nuclear program was in favor of the Iranians. David E. Sanger and Ronen Bergman of the New York Times daring operation.

  Iranian nuclear archive

Iranian nuclear archive

Iran insists that the documents are a part of a fraudulent scheme by Israel to pressure the Trump administration to re-imposes the crippling economic sanctions that brought it to the table in the first place.

But Israel has shown that they are genuine, and they agree that they are genuine.

The Iran nuclear missile program, which would allow Iran to launch a nuclear-armed Shahab-3 missile, with a range of 2,000 km., Far enough to hit Israel. Other documents deal with potential sites for underground nuclear weapon tests.

According to The New York Times, the Mossad mission took place on the night of January 31, with the agents arriving at the archive's site at 10:30 pm. Iranian guards were scheduled to arrive at their posts at 7am and the agents were warned to complete their mission before 5am.

When they made their exit, they were carrying some 50,000 pages and 163 CDs detailing the Iranian nuclear plans.

They no doubt had inside help. They knew the workings of the alarm system and exactly which safes to target.

After a year of surveillance, the Israeli agents determined that they had 6 hours and 29 minutes to disable the alarms. Tehran warehouse, break through the doors and open doors the city with their treasure trove of smuggled documents.

They did not take all the room's contents, aiming for the black binders containing the most critical documents.

 Entry to the nuclear archive

Entry to the nuclear archive

Most of the documents obtained are at least 15 years old, before Iran has moved its nuclear program deeper undercover. It is also impossible to independently verify what the whole truth proves, as Israel has only shown some of the reporters some of the documents claiming that they need to be more secure than others.

The papers do seem to indicate that Iran's nuclear program in 2003 was much bigger and more advanced than previously thought. That is when Iran ended its initial program, Project Amad, and proceeded more secretively.

Experts admitted that Iran has received badistance from Pakistan, but

One of the documents records a debate between two Iranian scientists on how best to separate the secretaries from the program. Neutrons research would have been concealed as "we can not excuse such activities as defensive," Masoud Ali Mohammadi wrote. He was mysteriously murdered in January 2010.

The New York Times writes that experts disagree on whether the Israeli revelations serve to support or weaken the case for the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers.

Netanyahu argued that the nature of the agreement was naïve and would allow Iran to continue producing nuclear fuel in 2030. In addition, the extent to which bode well regarding its future activities.

  (Photo: AP)

(Photo: AP)

Others, including the Obama administration officials who negotiated the deal, argue that the documents only further stresses the need to uphold the agreement and extend it for as long as possible.

They say that the trove confirms what they had to do. Iran would never have agreed to a permanent ban they say.

The warehouse has been signed by the Mossad. International inspectors would be known to visit nuclear sites in Iran. So the Iranians are collecting their secret documents with the weapons and missile building plans and stored at the warehouse, unrelated to their past nuclear program. No round-the-clock guards were posted as arouse the suspicion of spies.

But the Mossad was watching and they started putting together a plan to steal, as opposed to just photographing, the material. Israel also wanted to be able to counter Iranian claims that the documents were forged by international experts to examine the originals.

In the article Sanger and Bergman say that Israel has kept mum regarding the agents, some of them were Iranian, made their escape, via land, air or sea. There was no chase, they claim.

Considering the possibility that some of the agents, possibly about two dozen, would be caught, the material being removed from the country via several different routes.

As expected, when the guards discovered the break-in in the morning and sounded the alarm, "tens of thousands of Iranian security and personal police" embarked on a nationwide hunt according to an Israeli official.

  (Photo: Roee Idan)

(Photo: Roee Idan)

They did not catch anyone and remained silent until Netanyahu's press conference.

Among the material are photographs from inside secretive nuclear facilities. One album taken at Tehran is a large molecule of high-explosive experiments, probably related to neutron-initiated chain reactions.

 Parchin military base near Tehran

Parchin military base near Tehran

Although international intelligence agencies are suspected of nuclear activity at Parchin, Iran IAEA inspectors .

Eventually, inspectors did visit the base, but by then it was empty, although they suspected the site had recently been emptied of equipment. The photos confirm this.

 Iran's nuclear plant

Iran's nuclear plant

Satellite images Iran, Iran, Iran traces of nuclear contamination.

The documents contain multiple mentions of uranium deuteride, a substance experts say. It has been used by China and Pakistan in their nuclear programs and it seems the technology for the substance, as a neutron initiator, was sold to Iran, and North Korea, by A.Q. Khan, a Pakistani nuclear physicist who ran a black market in atomic-related materials and technology, concluded the New York Times article.

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