Mother of 10 people detained for injecting insulin to 5 children in order to obtain social assistance benefits


An ultra-Orthodox 10-year-old mother was arrested because she was suspected of regularly injecting insulin to some of her children so that they could have problems of well-being, announced Thursday the police. .

The details of the case were clarified for publication after a police investigation of several months and the arrest at the beginning of this month of the wife and her husband, both in their thirties, who live in an ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem.

They were receiving about 15,000 NIS ($ 4,100) each month in National Insurance Institute payments for five of their children who, according to the authorities, were suffering from diabetes. They received about 800,000 shekels ($ 220,000) in total.

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"I've been in the police for 30 years, I've seen a lot of difficult and serious things.It's one of the most shocking and difficult cases that I saw, "said Doron Ben Amo, the investigator.

The mother is suspected of hurting helpless people in aggravating circumstances, fraud and forgery. She should be charged very soon However, the police and prosecutors have not yet decided whether the father, who claims to have no knowledge of his actions, should be charged.

Suspicions arose when his son was arrested. 39, a year and a half was hospitalized in a serious state, and have seizures.The doctors of Shaare Zedek Hospital operated his brain and put a drain in his trachea.When recovering, his condition it's continually aggravated and they struggled to stabilize it.

Staff noticed that his condition worsened every time his mother was with him, and his blood sugar dropped. However, when she was not present, her sugar level returned to normal. One of the nurses reported that she had seen a syringe in the mother's bag

The hospital called the police who asked for the opinion of a doctor who found that & # 39; None of the ten children were suffering from diabetes, according to Hebrew media. interviewed the children, who said that their mother taught them how to check their blood sugar several times a day and how to inject insulin. A police spokesman said the mother was teaching her children to live as diabetics, even if they were healthy.

Insulin found in a Jerusalem mother suspected of injecting her children to give them diabetes symptoms. (Screenshot: video of the Israeli police)

The mother remains in detention but the father was released last week. Police think the father may not have been aware of his wife's actions

Hadashot reported that the mother had taken care of a diabetic child in the past and they think that There she was taught to give her children the symptoms of diabetes.

The police also found that whenever the mother was diagnosed with diabetes for one of her children, giving her the right to claim the insurance money, the same doctor would sign the forms [19659003] treated his children believing that they were diabetic.

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