Natalie Portman equates meat consumption with atrocities of the Nazi era


Actress Natalie Portman compared meat consumption to crimes committed during the Holocaust in a video tribute to famed writer and animal rights advocate, Isaac Bashevis Singer, published Monday by the People & # 39; s Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

. A pbadage from Singer's famous autobiographical novel Shosha Portman says in the controversial video, "We are doing to the creatures of God what the Nazis did to us."

"Nowadays, many of us speak for animals, but it was not always like that," adds the actress. "Decades ago, a man articulated the fate of animals so boldly that the modern world could not ignore it."

Times of Israel writes:

In 2009, a German court banned PETA from the Nazi mbadacre of Jews, and prohibited him from using photos of concentration camp inmates and children. Other images of the Nazi genocide alongside photos of animals abused in a campaign that he called the Holocaust on your plate

Signs showing black and white images of emaciated camp inmates of concentration next to color photos of chickens, turkeys and other animals fattened for slaughter. One poster had the slogan "Final Humiliation" in German and another "For animals, all people are Nazis". A photo of children in a concentration camp stood next to one of the piglets in a stall. Under their title was the legend "Child Butcher".

When asked why animal welfare was a cause close to his heart, Singer replied, "I did not become a vegetarian for my health." I did it for the health of the chickens. Portman, a longtime vegan, notes that Singer was also a staunch advocate for gay and women's rights

In the History of the Nobel Laureate The Slaughter Singer Tells a Story tearing at a young man's tribulations by balancing his love for animals and working as a ritual slayer. "As long as people shed the blood of innocent creatures, there can be no peace, no freedom, Harmony, "said the murderer in Singer's story." The PETA video from Portman arrives a few months after the Jerusalem Jerusalem award winner refused to accept the prize. Genesis of 2018 – who is hailed as the "Jewish Nobel" – after the Israel's military response to Palestinian terrorist attacks across the Gaza border.

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